Spend your Tuesday Night...Out

Elizabeth Urquhart, a former City Councilwoman, worked with law enforcement agencies to organize National Night Out crime awareness marches and parties annually beginning in 1988. After she lost her 1st Ward seat in 2002, the city dropped the project.
Urquhart said she urged new council members to hold the event and helped organize the new effort. Part of the funding will come from $2,000 left in the National Night Out city budget line from August 2002.
"I'm pleased," she said. "I'm very happy that they revived it. It raises awareness and promotes camaraderie."
City Council President Linda Carter said one purpose of National Night Out here is to "try to help bring different areas of the city together."
At this outdoor event, she said, "People really get to know their neighbors."
Carter said quite a few block associations have reorganized and are taking part. She said Tiffany Wilson of the Union County Prosecutor's Office is working to help revitalize even more neighborhood groups.
Some block associations have set up web sites to share information and keep busy members in touch with each other, she said.
The celebration begins at 7 p.m. Tuesday at City Hall Plaza and will include a flashlight walk, music, Neighborhood Watch information, a martial arts demonstration, hot dogs and luminaria in several neighborhoods.
Co-sponsors are the City of Plainfield and the Union County Prosecutor's Office, with corporate support from Target Stores and Wachovia Bank.
For more information about this Tuesday's event, contact Councilwoman Linda Carter, Chairperson: 908-963-9135.
--Bernice Paglia
KEYWORDS: community, crime prevention
See National Night Out and the National Association of Town Watch for related information.
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