Monday, December 04, 2006

Good In-Tent-ions

Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs decided to amplify the annual holiday tree-lighting this year to include providing food for attending families.

According to city staff, two tents were to be erected in the City Hall parking lot to accommodate the dinner crowd. The mayor’s rationale was that bringing children out at the dinner hour meant some dinner should be provided.

But a weather advisory of thunderstorms and high winds apparently led to postponement of the event

If it is true that the new date will be Thursday (Dec. 7, 2006), it will coincide with a very important Planning Board meeting. The group that proposes a new senior center with condos on three floors above will be seeking site plan approval that night. At past junctures in the approval process, large numbers of seniors have turned out.

So there may be a traffic jam between kiddies seeking Santa and seniors seeking a new center.

--Bernice Paglia


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