Monday, September 03, 2007

Work To Be Done

Having provided some neighbor children with sidewalk chalk to create welcome-back-to-school messages, I was somewhat shocked to see this result:

It tells me there is work to be done in convincing even young children to abandon violence in favor of positive attitudes toward school and their fellow students. I was not able to determine who created this image or why. A couple of the kids expressed revulsion themselves at this image and swore they didn't do it.
I do not watch television or go the the movies much, but after this image appeared on our front stoop, I watched a Netflix preview that was rife with car explosions in previews for at least four films. The Netflix subscription was a gift from my daughter and son-in-law, who are trying to make me film-literate in the modern world.
My tastes run toward the fey and fantastic more so than the violent and destructive films, and I have enjoyed quite a few. But it seems the way of the world nowadays tends toward the violent, so maybe these children are more accustomed to shootings and explosions than what I would wish for my grandchildren, if I had any.
My hope lies with the several children who disavowed this image versus whichever child created it. And I hope that child will be taught or will discover a different way of relating to others rather than violent confrontation.

--Bernice Paglia


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