Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Green Helping, Not Leading Board Change

Assemblyman Jerry Green called Plaintalker to say he is not leading the move to return to an elected school board, but will help any citizens who are interested in finding out how the process would work.

Green earlier mentioned researching a referendum to go back to an appointed school board. But no change is likely by Feb. 25, when petitions to run for the school board must be filed by 4 p.m. at the board office, 504 Madison Ave.

Those whose terms expire in 2008 are Agurs Linward “Lenny” Cathcart Jr., Vickey Sheppard and Bridget Rivers. On April 15, voters will choose three people to serve three-year terms.

Although school board elections are supposed to be non-partisan, recent elections have had an undercurrent of political support for candidates from two factions, the New Democrats or the Regular Democratic Organization. The search for a new superintendent was designed to be free of politics, but depending on those board members who get the final say, that decision could still reflect political leanings. The board may be given five finalists as early as this month and will then select three before naming one the new superintendent.

--Bernice Paglia


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