Friday, August 14, 2009

Picture PMUA Trucks Hauling Tunnel Debris

Here is a snapshot of a new PMUA truck arriving at the East Seventh Street Connolly Properties site.

Here are the words of Jerry Green from his blog:
"Also, I had an opportunity to talk to leadership at New Jersey Transit in terms of exploring ideas and ways that we can use the services of municipalities like the City of Plainfield for example, utilizing the PMUA trucks when digging out the tunnels. This is just an example of the different sort of services the City can offer, facilitating economic growth within the City."

Not only does Jerry mix municipal government and an autonomous authority, he apparently overlooks the difference in usage of these vehicles. And now that the vehicles are leased and not owned by PMUA, what would the leasing agency think about the change of usage? How far afield would they have to travel to carry out this operation? Where would they take the dirt?

The whole thing reminds me of a past scheme in which dirt was removed from the Muhlenberg site, allegedly stored illegally on a South Second Street lot and then allegedly trucked to the Plainfield Health Center site for fill. Who made money and how?

As soon as I heard about the tunnel project, I recalled the Schools Construction Corporation, where millions went down a rat-hole with no accounting to date. Given New Jersey's spotty history of oversight and accountability, how do we know that this project will not have a similar outcome?

--Bernice Paglia


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This administration will do ANYTHING but what it is suppose to do. Instead of cleaning up now they want to put Solar Panels on the public schools & town hall roofs to sell the power to PSE&G. Can you imagine what a momumental hill of mismanagement and money down the tubes that will be !!! And please no more fancy cobblestone that get painted yellow, just fix the roads !!!!!

9:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Leased PMUA trucks to carry dirt for the tunnel project? And how does this facilitate economic growth within the city? After two decades, this is the best Jerry can think of? In the words of Linus, we're doomed.


11:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to Green: “Also, I had an opportunity to talk to leadership at New Jersey Transit in terms of exploring ideas and ways that we can use the services of municipalities like the City of Plainfield for example, utilizing the PMUA trucks when digging out the tunnels.”

He talked to "leadership" at NJT about exploring this idea? I am assuming that "leadership" listened politely while suppressing their laughter until he left the room and then had a big and hearty laugh at the sheer idiocy of this idea. Is this what Green and PMUA's Watson discuss in their meetings together?

12:38 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jerry seriously thinks he/Plainfield can get a piece of the tunnel project? Seriously?


Any hauling contracts will go to much bigger favorites in the construction industry. Comments like Jerry's actually make me cringe as I imagine that meeting - if it ever happened. Commenter 12:38 is spot on about the laughter scenario.

6:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jerry Green is incompetent.

5:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are all of the people who are disgusted with JG and this administration going to sit this one out letting them come back into office, or do something constructive and vote the R line.

Get your emotions out of it, and think logically. If you want 4 more years of this same kind of government, vote for them. If not, vote for people who at least do not have a history of being incompetent.

10:06 AM  
Anonymous used digger derricks said...

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8:53 AM  

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