Two big red trucks rolled into Plainfield this morning and pulled up at the newly constructed office building on Park between Front and Second. Workers began unloading office furniture; the sign in the window says "coming soon."
The Plaintalker hasn't been able to learn just when Plainfield's first branch of Chase Bank will open, but this looks like progress.
We wonder what the come-on will be to get new business: toasters, gym bags with logos, umbrellas?
We have plenty of those "incentives," but do we hear free checking?
I have been reporting on Plainfield for more than 30 years, first at the Plainfield Today weekly, then at the Courier News and after retirement on the Plainfield Plaintalker blog and its successor, Plaintalker II.
For feedback, questions, or corrections, send a note to: bernice.paglia "at"
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