Wednesday, July 11, 2007

New Signs at Apartment Buildings

Connolly Properties, which owns most of the apartment buildings in the city,

has new signs such as this one on East Seventh Street.

Here's another on West Seventh Street.

Click here to see all the Connolly apartment buildings in Plainfield.

Connolly is apparently to residential rentals what Paramount Property Management is to commercial leasing in Plainfield. Connolly bought up a bunch of Fred Tedesco's apartment buildings some time ago and acquired many other buildings since then. Paramount recently bought the Pittis Estate, the major owner of downtown commercial property, and its yellow signs have become ubiquitous.

It's interesting that these two companies now control so much rental property in Plainfield. I do not recall any comparable situation over the past 20 years. Certainly they are key players in Plainfield's future, as much as any of the developers that are in the wings.


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