Saturday, January 31, 2009

Mantis Slide Show


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernice! I am trying to save the Monarch Butterflies and you saving the Praying Mantis is not helping the cause, listen, you keep your Praying Mantis in your neighborhood and I'll instruct the Monarchs not to get near your Block. Does that sound reasonable?

Jokes aside, your camera has such a beautiful, and crisp, resolution. It makes me want to replace my old camera. But then again, it's not the camera, it's the photographer that makes the picture.

Your Garden pictures, with all of its "beasts", are among our favorites. Thanks for sharing them with us.

Maria Pellum

8:38 AM  
Blogger Gregory said...

Great photographs.
In the days when Plainfield had honeybees in larger numbers, I watched a praying mantis that had stationed itself on a sedum that was abuzz with bees. The mantis waited until a bee positioned itself right beneath its head. It seized the bee in a rapid movement that looked like the working of a machine. There was no struggle. The mantis just disassembled the motionless bee into its component segments and ate them.
Greg Palermo

12:02 PM  

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