Saturday, July 18, 2009

Buy the Paperback "Soprano State"

Random image: Black-Eyed Susans.

In March 2008, I urged Plainfielders to buy "The Soprano State: New Jersey's Culture of Corruption." Now the book is out in paperback, "Updated with the latest scandals," and my copy arrived last week from Amazon.

It is more compelling than ever in this election year. The names are so familiar and yet when set in the context of scandalous behavior, they come across as Dorian Gray types who keep look great until the past catches up with them.

It is this shameful behavior that one hopes will stop being the norm in New Jersey. The go along to get along, cost of doing business, pay-to-play charade must stop, if only for the millions it costs taxpayers in patronage, no-show jobs and dual office holding for the purpose of getting mammoth pensions.

It happens at the state level that is the main focus of journalist authors Bob Ingle and Sandy McClure, but it also occurs at the county and local level. Take a look at this web site and notice how many people in positions of public trust are on it.

Politicians are good at mouthing the words "honesty" and "transparency" even as some land up behind bars. Government at all levels needs an infusion of moral uplift. Will it happen?

--Bernice Paglia


Blogger Rob said...

The only problem with The Soprano State is that the people who SHOULD absolutely read it...the average everyday voter most likely won't. So their good ole boy politician ( named in the book as most of them are, including our dearest Jerry ) will still be their best buddy, biggest friend, savior if you will instead of the self serving pig at the trough that MOST of the politicians in NJ have turned out to be. Look how they circled the wagons around Neil Cohen until they realized it was beyond their damage control team. I wonder how long the average person could avoid arrest if child porn was found on their computer. And yes...good ole Neil, from the party of the people for NJ. No need to say the word.

9:34 PM  

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