On Muhlenberg

Plainfield Plaintalker has never tried to compete or replicate the work of a daily newspaper, but exists to provide City Hall and development news that might otherwise not see daylight.
That is not to say that Plaintalker is not interested in health care issues.
Some may remember when the Plainfield Health Center was touted as a primary care facility. Primary care doctors today are in scarce supply. My son's PHC experience has been that he gets a different doctor each time after a really long wait at the health center.
Both of us have been able to get various tests at Muhlenberg, even though my endocrinologist has moved to Summit and his neurologist has moved to Warren. Almost all of our health providers are now outside Plainfield.
In past years, in other locations, my family could depend on the kindly Dr. Foley in Millington, just a few steps fron our house in the former Passaic Township, for health care. My current mainstay is the formidable Dr. Chen, formerly of Muhlenberg but now of Summit, for my thyroid problems. I only have to visit once a year now and was lucky to get a ride in April for the checkup.
Recently, I have heard tales of seniors who felt ill but decided to tough it out rather than dial 911 , because the arrival of an ambulance now might mean an expensive trip to an unknown facility. In fact, I feel the same way. This situation may save on health costs because elders don't want to make waves, but please folks, if you are hurting, get help, even if it has a governmental tag.
--Bernice Paglia
Bernice, The Plainfield Health Clinic at Rock Ave by Myrtle Ave was touted as being close to Bus and [Dunellen] RR service. I hope many will take avail of it, although I know who[m] may use it for 'free' reduced etc.
I wondered about the blue H leading to Park Ave & Randolph Rd, on RT 22, 287 are still the best for travelors to follow for acute Emergency care.
The accident at Kensington and Watchung a few weeks ago, that resulted in a fatality, had the injured waiting for 40 minutes, and then they had to be transported another 30 minutes or so to a hospital.
I believe that it is time for the council to step in, and start asking quesitons of the state. Councilman Storch certainly has experience in the health field and can guide the group.
No on in Plainfield is taking leadership to get things done. The POP group and others are to be commended for the persistance. If not for them, the hospital issue would be dead, and I really believe that if they don't go away, a hospital will emerge again.
However, our employees, the administration, seem to be letting others do their bidding. Nothing new in how they lead.
The accident at Kensington and Watchung wouldn't have been prevented if Muhlenberg were still open, but to have to wait so long when a formerly full-service, acute-care facility was LITERALLY TWO MINUTES AWAY shows the lack of regard the governor has for Plainfield. No wonder Jerry Green snuck him into town like a thief in the night. If the people supporting the reopening of Muhlenberg hospital create campaign signs saying, "Gov. Corzine, why did you close our hospital?" and have everyone affected by the closing put those signs on their lawns, maybe we can get some action on reopening the hospital. Politicians don't act--they only REACT. If Corzine loses Western Union County and parts of Middlesex County and North Plainfield because of this hospital closing, he has only himself and the 22nd district legislators to thank.
Is Chris Chistie going to reopen Muhlenberg Hospital? Do we so easily forget that their is a national health care crisis that was partly caused by the Bush administration's failure to act on health care reform? Do we forget that we are also in the middle of the Great Ressession, which was also caused by the failed policies of the Bush administration? We are all upset over the closing of Muhlenberge Hospital, but let's not fool ourselves into thinking that a Chris Christie administration would be any better for Plainfield. In fact, given his pro big business stance, we would be much worse off with no state imposed emergency room in Plainfield. We need to keep fighting for our hospital to be restored. I don't know how we accomplish that. But I do know that if Chris Christie is elected Governor, we will be further from our goal of a fully functional Muhlenberge Hospital.
Maybe having someone with a pro business stance would not be so bad. Muhlenburg is a business.
Re: Anonymous said 8:18 AM
Jerry, is that you? Sounds like you and blames like you and spells like you, I have to believe that it is you.
Welcome back from your secret undisclosed hiding place.
"Do we so easily forget that their is a national health care crisis that was partly caused by the Bush administration's failure to act on health care reform? Do we forget that we are also in the middle of the Great Ressession, which was also caused by the failed policies of the Bush administration?"
Oh, please: could you please engage in some thinking rather than sing from the pre-approved list of grievances. It's too hot --- Bush has failed to act on weather. It's too cold --- Bush's cronies in the oil industry don't supply oil. Health care crisis (which is only a crisis of your expectations) --- Bush has failed to react. No matter how factually incorrect, you are just going to sing that song.
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