Sunday, December 13, 2009

Update on Mousie

Block 832's most famous formerly feral feline was due for a checkup after being inside for a year. But as you can see, the carrier loaned by cat godmother K. was no longer suitable for the likes of Mousie. Lacking any middle-sized option, he had to be hauled to Fanwood in the big beige kennel.

He was only 2.9 pounds and about six months old when he first consented to be an indoor kitty in November 2008. He was around eight pounds when his neutering went wrong in March and he had to wear the e-collar while recuperating. But now he is 16 pounds and the vet advised giving him only half a cup of food a day. He wakes me up around the clock anyway in hopes that I will forget what the vet said and dole out some chow.

If he were still outside, he could just go catch him a rodent. But no, he looks mournfully at his bowl and more mournfully at me. I keep telling him, any self-respecting tuxedo cat must want his cummerbund to fit properly, but he insists there are adjustable ones.



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