Friday, July 10, 2009

Events at Grace

If you are anywhere near Park & Seventh tomorrow (Correction: next Saturday), check out the Health Fair and Yard sale at Grace Episcopal Church.
Click here for details.

Even though I am not a member, I truly appreciate what Grace Church does for our neighborhood, ranging from the soup kitchen to wonderful community events such as the upcoming Peach Festival and the carillon concerts. Plainfield has at least 200 houses of worship, counting both those with church homes and those in storefronts or doubled up in other churches while working on getting their own church home, but Grace projects a special vitality that I can't help but admire.

Our Park & Seventh neighborhood is a very mixed bag, from self-sufficient to very needy people and everywhere in between. Grace Church is a beacon for many. As other churches, including the one I attend, go through transitions of leadership, I recommend getting to know The Rev. Carolyn Eklund as a partner in understanding Plainfield and its unique community.

--Bernice Paglia


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