Sunday, September 06, 2009

City Hall Library - Dim!

Last Thursday I attended a Planning Board meeting in City Hall Library. The board was about to hear an application for a 7-Eleven at the corner of South Avenue and Terrill Road. Several fairly high-powered individuals were in attendance. The problem was, the light in the library was so dim that it was hard to see anything.

A Planning Division staffer asked a maintenance person to plug in one of the lamps used when the City Council meetings are televised for (the former) Channel 74. Unfortunately, the lamp only created a glare the hindered presenters in describing the proposal.

My thought was that a couple of $20 3-way torchiere lamps from a local discount store would have provided enough illumination to allow the Planning Board members to see what they were dealing with.

In 2006, the late City Council President Ray Blanco laid out a new lighting plan in the library that was subsequently dropped.

The city needs new proposals for development, but also needs enough light at land use meetings so people can follow along with the details on blueprints and documents.

At present, there are only some sconces with light bulbs around the library walls. There must be some way that this dim light can be augmented.

Anyone with ideas should contact their City Council representatives. Click here for contacts.

--Bernice Paglia


Blogger olddoc said...

Bernice I am sure the ity Administrator will have some solution that in line with the Historic configuration of City Hall.

Seriously, I am ssur there ie a way that using LEDs a uniform lighting system that would be efficient unobtrusive and of course "green" could be in stalled. The LEDs are the wave of the future.

7:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lighting in the Library has always been a problem. There are quite a few companies out there that will evaluate the lighting and submit a proposal at no cost to the City.

7:26 AM  
Blogger olddoc said...

Bernice,If someone would take the time to read the sidebar on my own blog he would note that I am not responsible for typos and weird misspellings. My arthritic fingers often hit 2 keys at the same time, and most of the time I catch it. Occasionally the cursor takes on a life of its own and inserts middle of another word or sentence. My 7:28 was very bad; The first sentence should have read "that is in line with". And sure is not spelt a "ssur".

I am "sure" that with "Twittering" our national written spelling will revert to that of GW, Washington that is.

Enjoy this beautiful day, and we look for more of your pictures tomorrow.

12:37 PM  
Blogger active citizen said...

When I read about the dimness in the City Hall Library, I honestly thought the comment was about the mayor and those who hold their meetings there. Since the lighting is the issue and could easily be resolved in an inexpensive manner, perhaps there is a dimness that comes from those who use it and work close to it, since this problem has been going on for quite a while.

12:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The dimness at city hall has affected Plainfield for generations. Even past PIO succumbed to the dimness. Nothing was ever done.

1:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Plainfiled has been dim since the 70s. Nothing new.

11:06 PM  

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