Remembering Phyllis Mason

Friends and fans of the late Phyllis Mason may have been taken aback to see a campaign sign for her at West Seventh and Central last week.
It turns out that someone had obtained a bunch of her signs at an estate sale and they were recycled with new covers to advertise a recent house tour. Wind and rain apparently uncovered at least this one, which organizers of the tour intended to remove.
The campaign sign was for a contest many years ago for the 2nd & 3rd Ward at-large seat. Ms. Mason is not coming back from the hereafter to challenge Don Davis for the 3rd Ward seat. Davis and incumbent Citywide at-large Councilman Harold Gibson, also this year's council president, must defend their seats against those who file by the April 7 deadline.
Phyllis also got mentioned when Mayor Sharon Robinson-Briggs asked in her state of the city address for a moment of silence for notables who passed in 2007. That gave some people a start, since she actually died in 2006.
One thing we know for sure - Phyllis would have little interest in local politics if she were still here this year. Her friends would be getting long phone calls about her views on the presidential candidates. When it came to national politics, a moment of silence was her least favorite thing.
--Bernice Paglia
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