Monday, August 04, 2008

Coordinate Info, Please

One can’t help but notice that the new school district blog is more informative right now than the district web site.

For example, the blog has the superintendent’s August message, the time and place of Tuesday’s meeting and a summary of the agenda. The web site has spots for all that information, but as of early on Aug. 4, they all contain last month’s information. This is an observation, not “noise” as the superintendent labels negative expression. The point is, optimally both sources should have the same basic information at the same time.

The web site has a guide on the left-hand side, so a reader can just click on the link to the desired information, such as “Upcoming Meetings.” The blog by nature is more narrative and so the reader has to scroll down and locate the item in the text. As with any innovation, the new way is not supposed to replicate the old way. But in this instance each structure or format needs to be timely with vital information if the public is to become engaged.

Through the portal of the blog, besides the above-mentioned message and notices, we see that the superintendent is planning to hold Town Meetings starting Aug 29. This is news we can use, especially those of us who try to keep up with community meetings.

The district web site also includes a new bi-weekly newsletter with informative articles. But where is the most basic information for August, the public meeting schedule? Families are juggling many things. Some people may be planning to attend National Night Out activities Tuesday night, thinking the school board meetings are usually on the second and third Tuesdays, so the night is open. Knowing that there is a school board meeting Tuesday affords people the chance to make a choice.

Similarly, the first Town Meeting is on the eve of Labor Day weekend. Families need to know about this meeting from the district web site in order to decide whether to put it on their schedules.

Maybe all this will be resolved by later today and those of us who mark up our calendars with City Council, Board of Adjustment, Planning Board, school board and other public meetings will have everything squared away for August. As the saying goes, 90 percent of success is showing up. To be successfully engaged citizens, we first need to know when to show up.

--Bernice Paglia


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you for your information...I couldn't find what was going on until I clicked on your article. The new superintendent doesn't seem to want any critics...we are in a "war of education"...well I feel the problem is not enough people (who pay taxes) say anything about their children's education...they see sub's teaching their children for months, violent children in the class fighting and causing a break down in education and say nothing...the list can go on and on...we pay taxes and are part of the district, let's open our mouths...( Also to the new super., I think you should spell check your blog...I don't know about education in Florida, but we use the spelling c-h-i-l-d-r-e-n for our students.) Thank You...

8:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bernice I have to agree with your assessment and beneficial suggestions for improvements.

Additionally, I'd like to add that the site certainly can use some aesthetic grooming so that it is appealing for the reader as well as informative. The font size is excessively large and does not make for quick referencing of the subtitles versus the text and RED is should be used at a minimal as people who are colorblind have a very difficult time coding out the color hue along with some shades of green, blue and yellow.

Keep the information no longer than 3-5 manageable paragraphs so that your viewers do not get over whelmed by the information.

Just some tidbits from a certified web designer.

9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think it is that the new super does not want critics. He simply wants all criticisms focused on the education of students as opposed to personal agendas that have too often focused on adults. Bernice, as you know he has publicly stated his respect for you and your blog. It is apparent that he's listening (or reading). It appears that the issues you raised this morning have been addressed on the PPS website. Keep posting Bernice. I am please with what I am seeing in the new super so far.

10:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

There are clearly signs that somebidy is doing something in PPS since Dr. Gallon arrived. He has been here only a month and I can see movement at the district level. Any effort to redesign the website is welcomed and I don't think that the things are being done are coincidence. What has IT been doing all of this time? Also, it is obvious that there is a push to improve the image of the district that is coming from the top. A new blog page and newsletter are great ideas. What was the past administration and coomunications person doing? Nothing obviously. I guess it did not take Gallon long to figure that out. Will the IT director be next? Keep up the good work PPS.

10:32 AM  

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