2009: Sharon! Redux

Your source for Plainfield news since June 2005.
Providing residents with help in addressing their specific grievances with the PMUA.
Eliminating Sewer Charges to vacant land.
Ensuring that Commissioners are not compensated over $4500 per year as permitted by the city ordinance that created the PMUA.
Eliminating the Shared Service Fee which is charged to all property owners for services provided to the city. It should be noted that (from our perspective) many of the achievements and future goals are what is required by law which simply means that the PMUA is now beginning to follow the law which it has been obligated to follow for years.
3. There are vacancies on the PMUA Board of Commissioners. Do you envision appointment of someone from your group to the board?
It has never been the goal of anyone in our group to become part of the PMUA Board. I cannot speak for the many residents who have become involved with our group, but I can speak for a few of us to say that we are not interested in becoming part of the PMUA. However, we will continue to volunteer the time and effort it takes to bring reform to the PMUA.
4. Your efforts have ranged from organizing protests of PMUA practices and rates to educating the public on the authority's workings to actual litigation. How do things stand in these three areas?
I wouldn't say we ever organized protests, but we have actively encouraged residents to make their concerns known at both PMUA meetings and city council meetings. Many residents who took the time to attend meetings have relayed to us that their cries fell on deaf ears.
Unfortunately, many residents are discouraged by the leadership of the PMUA and the public perception that the PMUA will not change and does not care about the average resident. We will continue to encourage people to attend public meetings and we will make sure that there are representatives from our group at all PMUA meetings. We will continue to educate the public on the PMUA workings. It is our intention to make the PMUA transparent even if we have to do it.
We also hope to assist residents who are having specific problems with the PMUA in resolving those issues. We are still involved in the litigation. We are currently in mediation with the PMUA and are not at liberty to discuss specifics of that discussion. However, if you look at the DumpPMUA.com website you can see the 10 counts of the lawsuit and what progress has been made with each one. All of the changes made thus far by the PMUA have been done voluntarily.
I do not want to speculate as to whether our lawsuit influenced those changes or not. You can draw your own conclusions. The resolution of all ten counts should be accomplished in 2010.
5. Of course, any other comments are welcome.
The coverage this cause has received from local bloggers and the press has been essential. We are grateful to everyone who became involved by either attending public meetings, submitting OPRA requests to the PMUA and giving the information to us, sending us anonymous e-mails with "tips" as to trips, expenses, etc., leaving us voicemails alerting us to PMUA activities, sending us documentation of issues they have had with the PMUA, including photographs, citations, letters, etc. Anything that has been achieved has been a group effort. Every person's contribution led us to look into something, say something and ultimately do something. The community of Plainfield should be very proud, but our work is far from over.
Philip Charles, 37, is a lifelong Plainfielder (born in Muhlenberg Regional Medical Center), married with two children, city homeowner since 1996, a technology director by trade and a grateful member of the Optimist Club, now aka the Plainfield Soccer Club, where he learned to play the sport.
--Bernice Paglia
Those who follow city issues will have to choose among three meetings Tuesday.
Among items on the Historic Preservation Commission's agenda is the subject of solar panel installation in historic districts. Although PSE&G's Solar4All program was announced in February and received Board of Public Utilities approvals in July, the first some historic district residents knew of it was over the Thanksgiving weekend, when they noticed the panels already installed on utility poles.
The program calls for installation of 200,000 solar panels statewide. Solar power from the panels goes back to the grid to aid a PSE&G goal of 30 percent renewable energy. As described by company representative Eileen Leahey at the Dec. 7 City Council meeting, PSE&G inspected 2,800 of Plainfield's 6,500 poles and identified 100 that are suitable for the 5 by 2 1/2 foot panels. Leahey said all customers will benefit from the program.
It is unclear whether the HPC has any jurisdiction over utilities or whether PSE&G can make any accommodations to historic districts. Some residents have complained that the panels are unsightly, while others approve the goal of renewable energy.
The HPC meeting is 7:30 p.m. Tuesday in City Hall Library, 515 Watchung Ave.
Also on Tuesday, the Plainfield Municipal Utilities Authority meets at 7 p.m. at 127 Roosevelt Avenue. A citizen action group that arose this year is investigating how the authority spends money collected from ratepayers. Click here for a flyer on the meeting. The DumpPMUA group has already won concessions on various fines and rules that members found oppressive.
Over at 1200 Myrtle Avenue, the Board of Education will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday. A new member will be sworn in to replace Bridget Rivers, who resigned from the presidency and will resign from the board Tuesday due to her election to the Fourth Ward City Council seat.
The 45-page agenda for the meeting is available at the Plainfield Public Library or may be viewed online at the district web site. The board and district are currently embroiled in several controversies over personnel and salary issues while awaiting resolution of new contract terms for members of the Plainfield Education Association, which represents teachers and support staff.
--Bernice Paglia
What do you want for Plainfield in 2010? And are you willing to put in some time and energy to help make it happen?
In this busy season, I hope Plainfielders get a chance to reflect on the New Year. Volunteer opportunities, civic involvement, running for office, advocating a special interest, mentoring a young person, sharing your talents, strengthening your block or neighborhood - there's plenty to do.
Plaintalker hopes to keep informing residents of what's going on in municipal government and other aspects of city life in 2010. A lot of changes are coming up and sometimes a blog is a more nimble way of communicating than through other media. Please keep commenting on what you read here.
The city administrator in Plainfield is supposed to be in charge of day-to-day operations, but all too often political whims of elected officials seem to have taken precedence over good governance. How likely is it that a no-nonsense city administrator might tell the mayor who appointed him, or the mayor's mentor for that matter, that a proposed activity was a waste of time and money? Or that a department head was not pulling his or her weight? And even if he did, would they listen?
With Marc Dashield's impending transition to Montclair township manager and another four-year mayoral term looming, the possibility exists for a better cabinet than the mixed lot the city has seen in the past four years. Some were clueless, some were most likely unqualified, some were onboard only for political reasons. None lived here, except for Norton Bonaparte, the former city administrator who was kept on as finance director in January 2006 and who left to become the first city manager of Topeka, Kans.
A good first step would be to rethink waiving residency requirements. The next step would be to set politics aside and listen to what a new city administrator makes of Plainfield, its strengths and weaknesses. Third, let the mayor and her mentor resolve not to leave top seats unfilled so that as in Dashield's case, the city administrator is not burdened with dual roles, especially in fiscal matters.
Several times in the last year, the line between the executive and legislative branches has become blurred. Dashield rightly took umbrage at a couple of these instances. A qualified candidate is not going to venture where the role of city administrator is not respected, communication is garbled and the ship of state keeps getting turned into an ill-advised luxury cruise. If stewardship of city resources has not been the watchword in the past, it must become so now and for the next four years and beyond.
Since January 2006, the number of citizens keeping an eye on City Hall dwindled at first, but has recently swelled. Still, what is apparent to citizens must also be acknowledged by elected and appointed officials if progress is to be made in improving city government and the delivery of services. All the citizen involvement in the world means nothing if the administration is unresponsive or dismissive.
Let's hope 2010 will bring a full complement of qualified cabinet members who will put Plainfield first and not just be part of the tangled political web where loyalty to power brokers is the primary demand.
--Bernice Paglia